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91 volcanoes were found under the ice of Antarctica!

The world's largest volcanic area lies just 2 km below the ice surface in West Antarctica.

The volcano Mt. Erebus near the US Antarctic McMurdo Base, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. (AAP Image/Dean Lewins) NO ARCHIVING

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, 91 volcanoes were found under the ice of Antarctica! The height of the largest volcano is 4000 meters. It is equal in height to the Eiger volcano in Switzerland.

আন্টার্কটিকার বরফের নিচে পাওয়া গেছে ৯১টি আগ্নেয়গিরি! 1

According to media reports, the world's largest volcanic area is located just 2 kilometers below the snow surface of West Antarctica. Scientists have discovered at least 91 volcanoes.

Among these volcanoes, the height of the largest volcano is 4000 meters. It is equal to the height of the Eiger volcano in Switzerland!

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh recently discovered this region. The volcanic mountains of East Africa are believed to have the highest number of volcanoes. However, geologists believe that West Antarctica will surpass that region in terms of numbers. This newly discovered volcanic mountain range has mountains 100 to 3850 meters high. All this is covered with ice and in some places this ice sheet is up to 4 km thick.

Previously, 47 volcanoes were discovered from that area. Glaciologist Robert Bingham said there is a risk of the ice sheet collapsing in the event of a volcanic eruption. He said, the ice in the sea will melt as soon as the eruption occurs. Also the water level will increase. Such emissions may never reach the surface. However, experts believe that it will damage the ice layer from the bottom.

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