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Nafis' verdict was announced on August 9

The Dhaka Times Desk The verdict in the case of Bangladeshi national Kazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, accused in the terrorist plot, will be announced on August 9.

According to online newspaper sources, the case against Bangladeshi Kazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, who is accused of planning to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America in New York, is being prosecuted in the court of Chief Judge Carol Amner of the Eastern Federal Court located in Brooklyn. Although Nafis's sentence is to be announced in the United States Federal Court yesterday, his lawyer, attorney Heidi C. Caesar pleads for time. Attorney Heidi C. Cesar told Judge Carol Ammon that Nafees' various factors must be considered more thoroughly before sentencing him. It should be checked whether he is ready for such a punishment before announcing the punishment for this particularly serious crime. That is why he needs time to review his psychiatric and forensics. It is said that these tests will be completed within the next 6 weeks. Judge Carroll announced a new sentencing date following an appeal by Nafees' lawyer.

In the context of widespread criticism of the terrorist plot and arrests in the FBI's trap, the federal prosecutor of the United States, Lorette E. Lynch said in a statement that Nafis entered the United States with plans to commit acts of terrorism. FBI sting operation is the best strategy to stop this type of terrorism. After the FBI arrested Nafees, his family in Dhaka said that he was the victim of a conspiracy.

Notably, he could face up to 30 years in prison or life in prison if he pleads guilty to terrorism. However, Nafees' lawyer is said to be trying to negotiate with the prosecution to reduce the sentence. Bangladeshi Kazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis (21), accused in the terrorist plan to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States in New York, has pleaded guilty. Nafees current age is 21 years. As such, if sentenced to 30 years in prison, he will be released at the age of 51. He said that Nafees came to the United States with the idea of making bombs. Therefore, he did not want to miss any opportunity to achieve his goal. Nafis came to the court wearing special clothes of ash color. Defense attorney Heidi Caesar, appointed by the government, sat next to him and participated in the hearing. After hearing Nafis's lawyer's comments, he said, "We have to wait now." For this reason, it will be convenient for the judge to decide on the term of punishment after giving the results of the psychiatric and forensic tests to the prosecution.

This post was last modified on জুন ১, ২০১৩ 11:41 am

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