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The price of a smartphone is two lakh rupees!

The world-renowned car maker Lamborghini is bringing the 'most expensive smartphone'!

The Dhaka Times Desk If you have ever heard that a smartphone costs two lakh rupees. Then you will be surprised that it is normal. But it's true. The price of a smartphone is about two lakh rupees!

Generally we know that iPhone is very expensive. But we all know how much more it is. But if you talk about the price of any phone other than the iPhone, how much can it be? But this time the news of a smartphone that costs about two lakh rupees has spread!

Although everyone is desperate to capture the market by launching smartphones at the lowest possible price in the current fight for cheap, just then the world famous car manufacturing company Lamborghini is bringing the 'most expensive smartphone'!

It can be said that Lamborghini is offering an ultra-luxury Android smartphone at the price of a four-wheeled car! Lamborghini has named this new smartphone 'Alpha-One'.

Lamborghini claims, 'This smartphone is completely Italian in design and this phone's technology is state-of-the-art'. The price of this smartphone is $ 2,450 dollars (which is 1 lakh 98,854 in Bangladeshi taka). This smartphone is currently available only in Europe and Arab Emirates.

What is in this 'Alpha-One'?

It contains:

# 5.5 inch display (1440x2560)
The # camera has 20 megapixels
# front camera is 8 megapixels
# Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor
# 4 GB RAM
# internal memory storage 64 GB
# external memory storage facility up to 128 GB
# Finger Print Scanner
# This smartphone supports Dual SIM.

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