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What to do if bitten by a snake? find out

Flooding is going on across the country. And this time the number of snakebite patients is also not less

The Dhaka Times Desk It is currently raining. Snake infestation is high during these floods. Especially in villages and towns, sometimes people are seen bitten by snakes. But we don't know what to do immediately when bitten by a snake. Find out today.

সাপে কামড়ালে কী করবেন? জেনে নিন 1

Flooding is going on across the country. And this time the number of snakebite patients is also not less. Snake bites have also been reported. At this time, it is necessary to take some special precautions about snake bites.

During this rainy season, you should walk carefully in bushes or forests. At this time, under no circumstances should you touch the hole. Keep light (torchlight), stick with you for walking at night.

But after so many precautions, if the snake bites you, don't be afraid. Because most snakes are not poisonous. But after biting a snake, you need to take care of some things.

If you are bitten by a snake on your leg or hand, you should immediately sit down and cover the cut area with a towel or veil. Do not tie tightly with rope or twine. Because it will cause more damage. The obstructed area can be cut.

সাপে কামড়ালে কী করবেন? জেনে নিন 2

The snake bite site should be covered with a bandage with a wet cloth to avoid dust. Under no circumstances should the affected area be cut or needled. Nothing can be coated on the cloth. But you can wash the bitten area with Ditol water.

If the patient has any difficulty in speaking after the snake bite, or if the eyelids are heavy, if the saliva drips from the mouth, or if the patient vomits, it should be understood that he has been bitten by a poisonous snake. If so, the patient should be taken to a doctor immediately. Anti-snake venom is available free of cost in medical college hospitals, district or upazila hospitals.

However, there are modern treatments for venomous snake bites. So Jharphunk, amulet-charm or Kabiraji should be taken to the nearest hospital without relying on treatment. These things should be done quickly. Then even after being bitten by a snake, the affected person can recover completely. So if you are bitten by a snake, do not panic and take action according to the above rules.

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