Categories: Picturesque

Bargaining in a market in India, 'Kane' is sold!

The Dhaka Times Desk In a market in India, the bargain is sold in 'Kane'! Is this even possible in this era? But according to news media, the incident is actually true.

Not today, a movie was made in Bollywood in the eighties. The movie is called Bazar. The plot of the movie shows how brides are sold as commodities in Hyderabad. How an uneducated Muslim girl from a poor home is handed over to rich foreign sheikhs, just for money.

But the real picture has not changed at all. In the name of nikah or marriage, brides are sold and bought at an equal rate Minors are being trafficked in the context of marriage under the very nose of the police-administration. Nobody has anything to do. The situation is such that there is nothing anyone can do. What can be done if no one complains or sues?

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But this time it didn't happen. Recently, the mother of a minor bride came to the Saidannusa police station and complained that her 15-year-old daughter was secretly married to a 65-year-old Omani sheikh by her husband Sikandar and her aunt Ghausia Begum without informing her. Bargaining as a wedding product, the price of the bride rose to 5 lakh rupees!

According to media reports, that Omani Sheikh Ahmed hired a Qazi in a local hotel in the Barkas area of the old city of Hyderabad, India and got married. The Omani Sheikh paid the price in the hotel! After the marriage, the Qazi prepared documents showing Nikahnama. A few days later Sheikh went straight to Muscat with his wife.

It did not take much effort to convince the minor in that marriage. He was shown videos of the luxurious life of the Omani Sheikh. The girl who was not able to eat enough for two days in the poor house became thrilled. He can't afford to say no. Such a big dream is going to be fulfilled. Whether the husband is the age of his grandfather! He will be able to eat and wear well, he will be able to live comfortably. What else do you want? Will he drink water to wash love? The tension of the stomach is more than the heart!

In this way, many children in India have become minors or helpless women who are traded in the market. It is a matter of great regret. As in the early period, women are buying and selling in this period! But how many more days? That's everyone's question.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৩, ২০১৭ 10:16 pm

Staff reporter

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