Categories: Science-invention

Selfie will detect cancer symptoms from now on!

The Dhaka Times Desk Selfie will detect cancer symptoms from now on! It is natural that anyone would be surprised to hear such a thing. However, scientists have made such a claim.

Taking selfies has become a fashion nowadays. Many lives have been endangered due to selfies due to carelessness. But this time, a good news is that from now on, selfies will detect the signs of cancer.

Experts have given such news to rub the face of the critics who have been criticized for taking selfies for so long. They said, from now on, selfies will reveal your cancer. Researchers at the University of Washington have developed an app that can detect pancreatic cancer. You will be surprised to hear this, if you take a selfie, this app can catch pancreatic cancer by analyzing that selfie!

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Scientists have named this app 'Billiskrin'. This app will use the smartphone camera. Computer vision algorithms and machine learning tools will test the bilirubin levels in the whites of the selfie taker's eyes. One of the early symptoms of pancreatic cancer and some other diseases is a change in the normal color of the white part of the eye. When the level of bilirubin in the blood increases, the color of the skin and eyes becomes abnormal.

They said that when the level of bilirubin in the blood increases, the white color of the eyes of adults becomes very yellowish. If dangerous levels of bilirubin can be caught by the camera through the eyes or skin, it will be possible to detect impending diseases much earlier.

Alex Mariamakis, the lead researcher of this research team, said that the biggest problem with pancreatic cancer is that when symptoms start to appear, it is too late. So through this app, it may be possible to start the treatment of these cancer patients on time. But through regular testing, its arrival message will be available. That test was not possible until now. So he claimed that arrangements have been made so that people can get the message of such a disease from a fun activity like taking a selfie while sitting at home.

According to one report, 70 people were selected in a clinical trial in the initial stage. They are observed taking selfies. This app can analyze the color of the white part of the eye. 89.7 percent of the problems were detected accurately.

Ubicomp also revealed various information about the new app in 2017. Currently, bilirubin levels are checked through a blood test. No one should have a blood test for pancreatic cancer unless a specific problem is noticed. Hence 'Biliskrinn' is considered to be the simplest and easiest method of pancreatic capture. At least with this app, if anything suspicious is detected, it will be possible to attend to the specialist on time. It is said that it will be possible to start treatment at the right time.

It is said that this app will not only provide information about pancreatic cancer, but also the information about the rise and fall of bilirubin in anyone's body will come out from this app.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৩, ২০১৭ 10:44 pm

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