Categories: Picturesque

The morgue's 'dead bodies' are all shocked!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone present was shocked when the morgue's 'corpse' suddenly moved! When the doctors were informed, they checked and said that he was indeed still alive.

A woman was left in the morgue by her family thinking she was dead. He was in the morgue for a long hour. But no one thought that there was life in that frozen body now. After that, it can be seen that breathing has started slowly. That is, he is alive.

One such incident happened in Idduki district of Kerala state of India. The 40-year-old woman's name is Rathnam. He was suffering from jaundice for a long time. He was also undergoing treatment at a hospital in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, for the past two months. Doctors said that Rathnam's multiple organs were damaged. Later, on the way back to Kerala Rathnam's home village in an ambulance from Madurai, relatives noticed that the movement had stopped.

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They think Rathnam is dead. He was taken to a morgue. The body lay there for a long hour. One of the relatives noticed the matter first. He said that suddenly Rathnam started breathing. He is also moving. He was immediately taken to a private hospital in Kattappana village. Doctors said that Rathnam is alive. Then the police was also informed.

Police said permission from the hospital and doctor is required before taking the dead body to the morgue. But Rathnam's relatives did not. The body is illegally deposited there by an acquaintance of the morgue, thought to be dead. After taking it to the doctor, it was known that the woman was not dead. However, even if he survives this journey, the doctors have doubts about how long or how many days he can be kept alive in the end.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৭, ২০১৭ 9:39 pm

Staff reporter

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