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The roof of the Prime Minister's house flew!

Hurricane Maria strikes again before the Caribbean islands recover from Hurricane Irma's damage

The Dhaka Times Desk The Caribbean island of Dominica has been devastated by Hurricane Maria. The roof of the country's prime minister's house flew!

উড়ে গেছে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর বাড়ির ছাদ! 1

Prime Minister Roosevelt Kerry himself said this on social media. Finally he took refuge in his official residence. He also expressed his concern for the poor islanders.

Hurricane Maria struck again before the Caribbean islands had recovered from Hurricane Irma's damage. Hurricane Maria made landfall on the Caribbean island of Dominica last Monday night. Earlier, this storm suddenly became a category five.

According to the National Hurricane Center, the intensity of the storm gradually decreased after hitting Dominica. It takes shape in category four.

Concerns were visible on the Prime Minister's Facebook account immediately after the storm. He said unequivocally, 'brutal wind! God's grace can save us. The roof of my house is blown off.'

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