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Muslim hater 'Burmese Bin Laden' is mastermind of Rohingya torture

The Dhaka Times Desk A great humanitarian disaster has befallen the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar. And the guru of this Rohingya torture is Muslim hater 'Burmese Bin Laden'.

Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu has played a key role in creating ethnic riots in Myanmar. He has been spreading anti-Muslim propaganda in his speeches and statements for the past few decades. In recent times, he has intensified his anti-Muslim campaign through various social media, including Facebook.

Representatives of Myanmar's civil society said Ashin Wirathu had been campaigning to wipe out the country's Muslim population. As a religious guru, he has hundreds of thousands of followers all over the world, including in Myanmar. International media have called him Burmese Bin Laden.

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It is known that Ashin Wirathu was born in 1968 in the then Burmese city of Mandalay. He left school at the age of 14 and became a monk. In 2001, he joined the anti-Muslim group '969' and came into discussion. The Myanmar government also sentenced him to 25 years in prison in 2003 for anti-Islamic propaganda. He was released along with other royal prisoners in 2010. After that, his anti-Islam campaign intensified. World famous magazine Time's published a cover report on Ashin Wirathu on June 20, 2013. The report was titled “The Face of Buddhist Terror”.

It is known that Wirathu spread rumors through various media including Facebook. Muslim terrorists raped a Buddhist woman in the city of Mandalay, sparking widespread violence. Later it was found that the woman was not raped at all. When Wirathu was asked about this, he told the BBC that he did so by word of mouth. Besides, he has been provoking the Buddhists by making provocative statements in the electronic media. In an interview with a Myanmar television, he said, 'Muslims are like African carp. They give birth more, Buddhists don't. If the Muslim population increases in Myanmar, Buddhism will be threatened at some point.'

Myanmar civil society representatives say the recent violence in Rakhine State is the result of Wirathu's instigation. Myanmar's junta government initially opposed Wirathu's actions but has now aligned with him. In this case the status of index is also the same. With a huge following across the country, the army and Aung San Suchi do not dare to attack Wirathu!

Besides inciting ethnic violence, Wirathu has also degraded Myanmar women in many ways. Wirathu continues to press for legislation to prevent Myanmar women from marrying men of other religions. However, Myanmar's feminist organizations are strongly opposing it. Wirathu compared these women to whores and whores. Burmese Women's League secretary-general Tin Tin Nayo said Wirathu had set an extremely bad example for Myanmar. He has also spoiled the sanctity of the clothes he wears.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২২, ২০১৭ 12:43 am

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