The Dhaka Times Desk The boss is a devoted cat. Malik died a year ago. But the pet cat is not moving from the owner's grave! In reality, such cases are rarely seen. You will understand by watching the video.
The incident is in Indonesia. The owner died a year ago. Still the pet cat is reluctant to leave its owner's grave. Animals have a very close and difficult relationship with humans. This incident in Indonesia is reminiscent of those words. This kitten cried every day lying on the owner's grave. One day, 28-year-old Kelly Kenningaw was walking past the cemetery when she heard a cat crying. He took the kitten with him. But that didn't work either. The next day the kitten again sat on the grave of its owner.
Only at mealtime does the kitten come home to its owner's sons and daughters. After eating, he lays on the grave again all the time. The people around who see the kitten also give food for that reason, but the cat seems to be alive only to sit on the grave and spend the night sleeping on the grave!
In an interview given by Kelly to the Daily Mirror, the cat just sleeps there and sometimes meows and cries. He looks very helpless. Just seeing this cat shows how much animals belong to people.
Cats are very calm and loving animals. So they suffer a lot after the death of their owner and are often seen in mourning. They are also emotional, animal experts said that they don't like this world at all.
Watch the video
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২২, ২০১৭ 10:10 pm
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