Categories: Picturesque

Animals or receive signals in advance of earthquakes!

The Dhaka Times Desk A little news and that is that the animals or receive earthquake signals in advance! We don't know how much of this is true. However, the issue has also been widely publicized in the media.

প্রাণীরা নাকি ভূমিকম্পের আগাম সংকেত পায়! 1প্রাণীরা নাকি ভূমিকম্পের আগাম সংকেত পায়! 1

According to the news, researchers have not found evidence that animals have superpowers like fire or what is called a 'sixth sense'; Rather the word could be 'can understand'. But the matter will be clear if we look at the earthquake statistics.

At least 5 lakh earthquakes occur every year. Humans Humans can perceive 1 lakh vibrations. And the damage is 100 vibrations. Judging by these, the researchers said, some vibrations may be understood by animals, which humans can never understand. Or it could be that animals can understand adults minutes before humans.

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This word has been in use since 373 BC. A case in Helles, Greece. Historians have said that animals like rats, snakes left the place days before the Helis earthquake. People also say that hornets run around like crazy, chickens stop laying eggs when they sense an earthquake.

Again, dogs and cats also started behaving abnormally. Taking these words into account, the US Geological Survey (USGS) conducted several research projects in the 1970s. However, no evidence has been produced to show that animals can understand earthquakes. Andy Michael of the USGS said, 'We took into account the stories coming back to the people. I kept eyes in the eyes of the animals; But I didn't get anything to say. It is known that in 2011, there was a 5.8 magnitude earthquake in Virginia.

Staff at the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park did not seem to notice any distinct behavior among the animals. They said the monkeys had climbed the tree just a few minutes earlier. Many cite an example of an incident in favor of animals. Which happened in 1975 in Haichang, China. At that time people were evacuated before the earthquake, noting that the frogs left the swamp and gathered on the road; However, the following year, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake occurred in Tangshan, another city in China. Two and a half million people died that time. Seismologists were monitoring the city before the earthquake. But they did not see any warning signs. Researchers say the frogs left the swamp because of chemical changes in the water. In this case, the frog's sixth sense did not work at all. That is, the fact of understanding the animals in advance cannot be said to stand.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৪, ২০১৭ 12:28 am

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