Categories: Picturesque

Why and for what reason do people fear ghosts?

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us are afraid of ghosts. Again we say that there is no such thing as ghost. But still why so much fear? Moreover, we are afraid of ghosts? Today those issues will be discussed.

There is a common theme since the creation of the world. And that is the ghost. Many of us are afraid of ghosts. Especially watching or listening to a ghost movie or drama at night creates a kind of fear in us. But there is a scientific saying and that is there is no such thing as ghost.

Moreover, no proof of the existence of ghosts has been found till date. But for those who are afraid of ghosts, the fear of ghosts is not unreasonable. In reality we find that very few people believe in ghosts. But the number of people who are afraid of ghosts is not less. Even if they are afraid of ghosts, many people read ghost stories or watch ghost movies with great interest. Because it is a kind of exciting feeling for them! Even if they are afraid of ghosts, the fear is under their control. But when the fear goes beyond the control of the person, surpasses the normal level of fear, disrupts the normal life, then it becomes very important to get out of it.

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There are things in our surroundings that create unnecessary fear of ghosts. What are they? Find out today. Because if you know them, you might be able to gather courage.

Mirror of old

We may have an old fashioned mirror in our room. So that the stain has fallen. All around are the old days of working. When you look in this mirror, you may feel fear. So avoid old mirrors.

old toys

Old toys can also sometimes cause ghost scares. For those who have seen the movie The Conjuring, old toys are truly terrifying.

old doll

Old dolls also often become the subject of ghost scares. It is natural for anyone to be afraid of seeing an old doll in the dark of night. Also ghost movies are dominated by puppets, which can come to mind at any time. So it is better to keep these old dolls in a safe place instead of keeping them close at hand.

A strange picture

If a strange painting is drawn on the wall, it can cause problems. Looking at that picture makes your throat go dry. So keep such wacky pictures in a place where they won't be seen at night.

Ghungur or Nupur

Ghungur or what we call Nupur. Many movies or dramas of ghost stories with this pigeon have similarities. These can also cause your fear of ghosts. In movies, ghosts are seen walking in a crouch. It turns out that a woman has become a ghost after she died. Then Ghungur came there at night. So if you have pigeons in your house, keep them away.

Wooden rocking chair

Anyone can have problems with wooden rocking chairs. Because the movie-drama has seen many times that ghosts are swinging on a wooden swing! Again it is seen that no one is sitting, but the swing is swinging. These scenes are used in many movies. So if the rocking chair is indeed in the house, put it away at least at night.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৫, ২০১৭ 1:48 pm

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