The Dhaka Times Desk As the current technology is developing in the world, everything is improving. Another advancement in technology is the solar system. Now you can get solar system for only 3450 taka!
The demand for electricity is increasing day by day so much that even after producing more than double the demand is not being met. And so various steps are being taken to meet the shortage of electricity. One of them is the solar system. At present, installation of solar panels has been made mandatory for new buildings.
According to news media, solar system is available for only 3450 taka from now. It has been developed by 'Expert Solar Systems'. It is sold and serviced by RFL, a renowned company in Bangladesh. It is said that a 6 volt battery has been used.
It is said that it will only charge if left on a window, balcony or roof during the day. When fully charged, it can also run 3 LED lights and a USB fan. Moreover, it will also work as a power bank. This new device will also work as a charger light.
If 3 3 watt LED lights are used then it will provide at least 2 hours of backup. On the other hand, lighting a 3 watt lamp will provide 5 to 6 hours of backup.
The company is providing 6 months after sales service on this new solar system. This new solar system is a new addition to human life which will benefit everyone.
This post was last modified on জুন ২৯, ২০২১ 4:04 pm
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