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New technology: Withdraw money at ATM booth without card!

Such a special ATM booth has been set up in Jinan City, Shandong Province, China

Pic shows: This ATM machine can scan a person's face to make sure the card has not been stolen. Chinese boffins claim they have developed an ATM machine that can scan a person's face to make sure the card has not been stolen. The device, which is the world's first cash machine capable of recognizing whether the card user is also the card owner, is now ready for use and is about to go into production, they say. The researchers at Beijing's renowned Tsinghua University are working with Tzekwan Technology to produce the new ATMs, which will not only ensure speed and accuracy with the new software, but also deter criminals from stealing bank cards. Chairman Gu Zikun of Tzekwan Technology, based in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, says the breakthrough technology is the best way to cut down ATM-related crimes, and the company hopes to introduce the machines to the international market in the future. Chairman Gu said the machines have already received official certification and will soon be available on the Chinese market. Besides the stringent security measures, Gu says the ATMs will also allow users to exchange between 250 currencies. The increasing use of facial recognition technology is causing many concerns for example on how it might be implemented. Although for example police could use video footage to look for criminals, it could also be used for example to identify political protesters at a rally. At the moment many ATM machines are imported, but locals worry that the face recognition technology if being used on home-made machines could end up with data being passed onto the government which not everybody would want. (ends)

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that a card is required to withdraw money from an ATM booth. However, this time without a card, the money is being withdrawn at the ATM booth!

নতুন প্রযুক্তি: কার্ড ছাড়াই এটিএম বুথে অর্থ উত্তোলন! 1

According to media reports, such a special ATM booth has been set up in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. In this booth money can be withdrawn very quickly through customer's facial recognition scan without any ATM card! A Chinese bank called Agricultural Bank of China is offering this facility at their 3 special booths.

It has been reported that customers will get this benefit in depositing and withdrawing money, there is no problem of carrying ATM cards and remembering passwords, the bank's official Xu Yanru told the media.

Apart from this Agricultural Bank of China, China's 'China Merchant Bank' and 'Construction Bank of China' have also started providing this special facility in the application of technology. By doing this, there is no problem of card theft, hack and clone. Those bank officials said that this system is becoming popular because of that.

Agricultural Bank of China is helping its customers withdraw up to USD 457 per day using this technology.

However, due to this method, some difficulties have also been seen among the customers. Scanning the faces of older people is a little more difficult. Again, many people are not getting the courage to leave the long-standing habit of using the card. However, with time, these problems and mentality will change, said Ian Gan, an official of the Smart City Research Center. Ian, the bank official, hopes that the banking system through facial recognition will become as popular as mobile banking in a short time.

নতুন প্রযুক্তি: কার্ড ছাড়াই এটিএম বুথে অর্থ উত্তোলন! 2

Currently, this facial recognition is being used for various purposes throughout China. Beijing's 'Temple of Heaven' is using this new technology to prevent the theft of their toilet tissue. This technology is also being used to catch various super malls, traffic services and evetizers in Jinan city. Moreover, it is known that this new technology is being used in various activities including the attendance of students of some universities.

Note that in 2015, China Merchant Bank first launched this technology service in Shenzhen, China. Then they set up 1000 booths in 106 cities in China.

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