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China's Commentary: No one can win a war on the Korean Peninsula

The United States and North Korea have been in a state of war with the recent spat

The Dhaka Times Desk Donald Trump and the President of North Korea have been discussing and criticizing the war bans all over the world. In such a situation, China has warned that no one can win the war on the Korean peninsula.

চীনের মন্তব্য: কোরীয় উপদ্বীপে যুদ্ধে কেওই জয়ী হতে পারবে না 1

The United States and North Korea have been in a state of war with the recent spat. In such a situation, China has warned that no one can win if there is a war on the Korean peninsula.

China warned on Tuesday that US President Donald Trump is going to declare war on North Korea's Pyongyang in the wake of North Korea's allegations.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a regular briefing that China hopes Washington and Pyongyang will understand that a war of words between them will only increase the risk of conflict and thereby reduce the scope for dialogue.

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