The Dhaka Times Desk There is a storm of discussion about aliens in the world at different times. This time it has become the focus of such a discussion in Britain. Aliens have been seen in the sky there! A video has been released. Watch the video.
According to media reports, Somerset is a remote city in South West England. The mysterious UFO was seen there. The video clearly shows that image. The flying disc-like UFO circled the city for several minutes.
This incident happened last Saturday evening. The video, taken in the sky over Somerset, shows 3 orange-colored orbs flying across the sky. Although Brownian motion seems random, it runs in a specific direction. However, the course has changed repeatedly. Bright white light emitted from the orange sphere. Sometimes a green light. It seemed like a solid sky of Diwali.
Jeremy Lee Fave, a resident of Somerset, stared at the camera out of curiosity after seeing such a mysterious light scattering in the sky. The video is made by him.
Watch the video
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৭, ২০১৭ 10:42 am
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ শীতে মধু মাখলে বেশ উপকার পাওয়া যাবে। যে কারণে এই…
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