The Dhaka Times
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Now 'sleep' your Facebook friends!

Facebook's twanging sounds leave you in awe

The Dhaka Times Desk When then the sound of tungtang kept coming from friends. Sometimes this has to be annoying. But from now you don't have to worry anymore. Now 'sleep' your Facebook friends!

এবার ‘ঘুম পাড়িয়ে রাখুন’ আপনার ফেসবুক বন্ধুদের! 1

Only when you're online is your problem. Even if you want to be quiet, there are many obstacles. Because your Facebook rants leave you in awe. That is, when you open Facebook, it feels boring to you? Continuous updates from profile. Also several pages have been like this, Facebook is full of their updates. From now on you can 'put them to sleep'.

A new feature that has been tested on Facebook recently. Where you can easily 'snooze' a profile or page. You can 'mute' that profile or page for 24 hours, a week or a month. That's why no updates from that profile or page will come to your news feed.

Where to find the 'snooze' option?

First go to your page. Then you will see three horizontal dots (…) just to the right of the profile or page name. You have to click on this dot. And a drop down menu will open on clicking. There you will find this specific option ('Snooze'). Then you can 'mute' or what is called 'sleep' for 24 hours, a week or a month.

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