Categories: Picturesque

Even though his appearance was disfigured in the accident, he married his lover!

The Dhaka Times Desk He fell in love and got married at the age of 17. Disfigured in an accident. Scary to see. However, this couple is living a happy family with children.

Such cases are rarely seen. Because they found the love of their life only at the age of 17. Few of those who fall in love at that age manage to take their love to marriage. This couple did just that. Jayaprakash of Bangalore, India is one of those very few lovers.

In a recent post on a Facebook page called Being You, Sunita mentioned meeting the love of her life when she was just 17 years old. He married her after 10 years. Their love story has gone through all the ups and downs and only the strength of one true love has resulted.

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Soon after Jayprakash's love story was posted, there was a lot of buzz on Facebook. 1 lakh 20 thousand people responded to his post. Share 31 thousand times!

In the post, Jayprakash talks about his attitude towards Sunita while still in school. He wrote just like this, 'When I was 17, one day I saw a girl walking past our classroom. I couldn't really look away from him. I have never seen anyone like him before. '

এরপর জয়প্রকাশ এবং সুনিতা বন্ধু হয়ে যান। তবে কিছুদিন পর দুজন দু’শহরে চলে গেলে তাদের মধ্যে মাঝেমধ্যেই শুধু সাক্ষাৎ হতো। তবে তাদের মধ্যে তখনও কোনো রকম প্রেমে পড়ার উপলব্ধিই আসেনি।

Talking about the moment he realized he was in love with Sunita, Jay Prakash said, 'Suddenly in November 2011, a friend called me to say that Sunita had met with a road accident. He was taken to Coimbatore. When I went to see Sunita, I was in awe of her. All the hairs on his head are up. The look is completely different. He has no nose. No mouth, no teeth. She was walking like a 90-year-old woman. I was shocked at first when I saw his condition. It was at that moment that I realized that I loved him. '

Then that night, Jayaprakash proposed to Sunita. Sunita 'laughed but didn't say no' to him, says Jayaprakash.

After that they started living together. After many ups and downs, they got married in 2014.

Jayprakash said, now we have two children. There are pleasant mornings to wake up together. Today I am living with the love of my youth. Today I am really happy.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৩০, ২০১৭ 5:18 pm

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