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The woman who lived with a dead child in her stomach for 46 years!

A Moroccan woman ran away from the hospital without giving birth! He lived with a dead child in his stomach for 46 years!

The Dhaka Times Desk A woman lived with a dead child in her stomach for 46 years! This is the first case of living with a dead child in the womb for such a long time.

যে নারী মৃত সন্তান পেটে নিয়েই বেঁচে ছিলেন ৪৬ বছর! 1

We know that giving birth is the happiest, but also the most difficult moment for every mother.

Either the mother or the child may die while giving birth. That is why many women do not want to give birth for fear of losing their lives.

Because of this fear, a Moroccan woman ran away from the hospital without giving birth! He lived with a dead child in his stomach for 46 years! Finally, the doctors forcibly removed the mummified child from her womb by operating against her will! But how that woman survived so long is the question.

What happens to the baby if it dies in the womb? When the baby dies inside the womb and does not come out on its own, it actually turns to stone. In medical terms it is called lithopedion or stone baby.

If the baby in the womb is too big and is not fit to reintegrate with the body, it will harden. Once it turns into a solid like calcium carbonate.

By supplying calcium from food, blood and bones, the body begins to build a rock-hard shell around the dead child. This coating also protects the pregnant woman from damage to the baby's dead cells. The child can not come out naturally!

The Moroccan woman named Zahra Abu Talib became pregnant at the age of 26. After two days of labor pains, she was admitted to the hospital.

This incident happened in 1945. Medical science had not yet perfected the technique of cesarean delivery.

The woman Zahra got scared after seeing the operation theater. There he saw another woman lying dead in childbirth. Seeing that scene, he ran away from the hospital in panic.

He never went to the hospital after that. Amazingly, even though she had labor pains for a few more days, her water never broke, she never gave birth again.

The woman thought her baby might come out on its own. But that didn't happen anymore. Rather, the child died in her womb at some point. He then pressed the matter as he had no problem. After that he didn't bother about this matter anymore. He continued to lead a normal life.

He then adopted 3 children. Being a child in the house of those adopted children, she also became a grandmother. After 46 long years, one day when he started having pain in his lower abdomen, one of his sons brought him to the doctor.

The doctors did not understand what the problem was at first. But after scanning, they were surprised. They did not understand what was inside his stomach. Doctors later realized the dead child had turned into a mummy.

Finally, the doctors were able to convince the woman to undergo an operation. After a continuous four-hour operation, the doctors brought out the child who died 46 years ago inside her womb. In these 46 years, the child goes like a mummy inside the Egyptian pyramids!

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