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This time the heart will be used as a password!

In the near future, smartphones can be locked and unlocked using heart detection technology

Melbourne, Australia - Sep 24, 2015: Entering passcode on an iPhone running iOS 9. This new iOS release has six digits passcodes instead of four.

The Dhaka Times Desk And we don't care how many passwords we can see. Now scientists have discovered that the heart will be used as a password!

এবার পাসওয়ার্ড হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হবে হৃদপিণ্ড! 1

Scientists have invented a heart scanner for smartphone security. In the near future, smartphones can be locked and unlocked using heart detection technology.

Biometric password methods in smartphone security have previously been used as fingerprint, eye or facial recognition technologies. This time heart detection technology is also being added.

This technology is much more secure and modern compared to the existing biometric systems such as retinal scan or fingerprint.

According to scientists, this system will take 8 seconds to scan the heart for the first time. Later it will be able to identify the user instantly. This technology will preserve the shape, size and heart beat pattern of the heart.

According to news media, this new technology to recognize the user through the heart was invented by scientists at the University of Buffalo in New York.

The scientists said that this technology could also be used in computer security systems and airport screening.

The system will use low-level Doppler radar to measure the heart, scientists said. which will always monitor the heart continuously so that no one but you can access your computer.

First, it is a passive, or non-contact device. Therefore, when the user logs in, he does not have to read his identity again and again.

Second, it continuously monitors the user. That is, the computer cannot be used by anyone other than you. So users don't have to worry about logging off when they are away from the computer.

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