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The United Arab Emirates is building a 'Mars city' for training!

This mess seems to be a preparation for a human welfare campaign

The Dhaka Times Desk Especially the Muslim countries of the Middle East have started to keep pace with other countries of the world. One of these countries is again. For example, the United Arab Emirates is building a 'Mars city' for training!

আরব আমিরাত প্রশিক্ষণের জন্য গড়ে তুলছে ‘মঙ্গল শহর’! 1

This commotion in the Arab Emirates seems to be a preparation for a human welfare campaign. Because there is no end to human interest in Mars. What people can do there, how to live there is also coming to everyone. And the biggest question in this regard is, how will the human life be there soon after reaching Mars.

Recently, the annual meeting of the government of the United Arab Emirates announced the construction of this city at a cost of 136 million dollars. This city will be named Mars Scientific City (Mars Scientific City). Reportedly, this is part of a long-term plan for the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center. The plan includes establishing a human settlement on Mars by 2117.

It is known that Danish architect Jerk Ingles has worked on the design of this Martian city with Emirati scientists and engineers. Among them is a futuristic dome-shaped building.

Inside it will be several laboratories through which research will also be done on ways to meet food, energy and water needs, etc. It will also have a museum. So that the best achievements of mankind so far will be highlighted. This Mars city will be created by 3D printing from the sand of the Emirates desert.

It is reported that this city has several limitations compared to Mars. For example, there is no need to produce any oxygen like on Mars. Moreover, like Mars, the inhabitants here do not have to be exposed to harmful radiation. Mars has no magnetism, so there is no UV shielding system.

The gravity of Mars is 38 percent of Earth's. On average, its temperature is much lower than that of Earth. The laboratory will also attempt to create Martian weather. There will also be work to find solutions to the problem of heat and radiation. This city has a team in planning. They will also develop strategies to survive in the adverse and hostile environment of Mars by living in it. In this way, all kinds of atmosphere of Mars will be created and a lot of rehearsals will be arranged.

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