The 'PayPal' program is launched in Bangladesh on October 19

The Dhaka Times Desk PayPal's activities have been heard for a long time, but finally on October 19, 'Paypal' is starting its operations in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi freelancers have been waiting for 'PayPal' service for a long time. But due to various complications it did not become possible. At last the hopes of freelancers are about to come true. Online money transfer platform 'PayPal' is finally launching in Bangladesh. The date is set for October 19. It is known that Prime Minister's Information Technology Adviser Sajib Wazed Joy will inaugurate 'PayPal' service on the second day of Bangladesh ICT Expo 2017. Today (October 9), State Minister for Information and Communication Technology Junaid Ahmed informed the media.

State Minister for Information and Communication Technology Junaid Ahmed said that 'Paypal' service will be available in 9 banks including Sonali, Rupali Bank. For quite some time, PayPal authorities have conducted various tests including market verification. Considering the potential of Bangladesh, this company has decided to launch the 'PayPal' service completely in Bangladesh. Because of which countless freelancers in Bangladesh will benefit. On the other hand, the rate of remittances coming to the country will also increase. Digital transactions will also increase.

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Junaid Ahmed also said, 'Digital transactions, we are moving towards cashless society. Launching such services is very important in building Digital Bangladesh. As 'PayPal' is launched, there will be an opportunity to get services from 12 thousand branches of 9 banks.

Note that the American company 'Paypal' Holdings has been working as an online payment system worldwide. It has been working as an electronic method instead of online money transfer and traditional paper method. As one of the world's largest Internet payment companies, this 'PayPal' is a very popular medium for various organizations and freelancers around the world.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৯, ২০১৭ 7:15 pm

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