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One million YouTube viewers a month!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is almost difficult to find people who do not know YouTube. In keeping with other countries in the world, internet users of our country are also fans of YouTube. Because if you want to watch a video, you have to take the help of YouTube. This YouTube usage has increased manifold. More than 1 crore subscribers access YouTube every month.

A visitor is seen at a YouTube stand

According to Google Corporation, the company that owns YouTube, the use of YouTube has increased manifold due to the introduction of drivers suitable for smartphone use.

YouTube authorities said in a blog post that one out of every two Internet users browses the YouTube website. Since its inception in 2005, its use has been increasing day by day across the globe.

According to the YouTube team, if YouTube is compared to a country, then it is the third largest country in the world after China and India.

Note that in 2006, Google Corporation bought YouTube for 165 billion US dollars. However, Google has never disclosed the amount of profit from YouTube. Since buying Google, YouTube has been consistently adding a variety of professional content to their website. These new contents include full-length TV shows, movies. YouTube has released funny videos along with professional videos to attract advertisers.

And this is how YouTube's activities are progressing. Now YouTube means a lot of happiness for a lot of internet users. People of the world rely on YouTube to get any video or anything like that. Almost all YouTube videos are free to watch or download. However, in some cases, such as organizations that demand money only for watching their videos, they will need money. The source of the Internet said that the authorities are active to speed up the activities of YouTube.

Source: Japanese News Media.

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