The Dhaka Times
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From now on, one mouse will run three computers!

New Rapu Wireless Tri Mode Mouse model MT750

The Dhaka Times Desk Technology that keeps pace with the truth of the age seems to be gradually moving closer to people. We used to use a computer on a mouse for a long time. But from now on one mouse will run three computers!

এখন থেকে এক মাউসে চলবে তিন কম্পিউটার! 1

Now the new Rapu Wireless Tri Mode Mouse model MT750 has come to the market. This new and advanced mouse has Tri Mode. This new technology uses 3 modes (Wireless 2.4G / Bluetooth 3.0 / Bluetooth 4.0). Through which we can work on 3 devices simultaneously.

It also has a laser sensor and powerful functions of 9 buttons. Not only that, this new mouse is rechargeable with a 450 mAh lithium battery. A single charge will last for one month. It also has 10 meters wireless range and 600 – 3200 dpi adjustment facility. The mouse also offers a comfortable shape and metallic feel.

To purchase this new mouse, you have to go to any branch of Global Brand Pvt Ltd or any dealer.

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