Categories: Picturesque

Despite being born with a deformed face, this child is alive with the love of his parents!

The Dhaka Times Desk You can understand what is the identity of people in the world if you listen to this story today. This child was born with a deformed face. But the parents did not neglect him but raised him with love. Such events are really rare in society.

This is the proof that if you love even if you are born with a deformed face or without a face, you can survive. A rare occurrence indeed. Just by looking at the child in the picture, you will understand how the parents are making a human being with care and love.

Generally we all look forward to seeing the baby's appearance when it is born. But if the baby is born without that appearance then what will happen to us? think once

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That's exactly what happened to this Brazilian girl. He was born without a face. Soon after his birth, the doctors said that the baby would not live more than a few hours. This happened 9 years ago. That girl celebrated her ninth birthday this time.

This girl's name is Vittoria Marchioli. They were born in Sao Francisco, Brazil. The child was born with a genetic defect called 'Treacher Collins Syndrome'. Due to this problem, 40 bones in his face did not grow properly. His eyes, mouth and nose were dislocated and deformed.

The doctors were shocked to see this condition immediately after birth. Doctors are afraid to touch him. They announced that he would not live more than a few hours. The doctors did not even want to feed him. The doctors told his family to go back home and wait for him to die. His parents decided to keep him alive. He is still alive because of his parents' love and care.

The parents of the girl said that the doctors who said that our girl will not survive, now they cannot explain why our girl is alive. But they believe that he is alive because of our love and care. We will also set up a relief fund for his treatment. I hope to give him the opportunity to live a better life. I will give him the most beautiful appearance through treatment. And this is our only goal.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৭, ২০১৭ 12:33 pm

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