Categories: special news

The High Court ordered the closure of the 'Blue Whale' game

The Dhaka Times Desk The High Court has ordered the closure of the globally popular game 'Blue Whale'. The High Court has also ordered the closure of internet gateway links of all such online games, including the 'Blue Whale' game which incites suicide.

This 'Blue Whale' game has caused an uproar across the world. Young women in different countries have already died by playing this 'blue whale' game. The High Court has also ordered the closure of internet gateway links of all such online games including the 'Blue Whale' game which incites suicide. Also, the High Court has issued a ruling asking why all such online games, including the 'Blue Whale' game, should not be banned.

Justice Md. The High Court bench of Mainul Islam Chowdhury and Justice JBM Hasan issued this ruling today (Monday).

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Lawyer Md. Humayan Kabir Pallab was present in the court for the writ petition. On the other hand, Deputy Attorney General Motahar Hossain Saju was on the side of the state.

Supreme Court lawyer Noor Alam Siddiqui along with 3 lawyers filed a writ in the High Court yesterday (Sunday) seeking directions to ban all such online games including 'Blue Whale' game which incites suicide.

Note that 'Blue Whale' game is a very scary game. The last step in this game is to commit suicide. That is, the contestant must commit suicide to end the game. But the player may die before reaching the final stage of this game. Read on to know what this game is, who made it, and how to beware of it “How do you recognize 'blue whale' addicts? Beware of this dangerous game”.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৬, ২০১৭ 8:21 pm

Staff reporter

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