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The story of a 19-year-old schoolboy becoming the owner of hundreds of millions of rupees!

Recently, the name appeared in the list of the youngest millionaires in Britain

The Dhaka Times Desk A school student. Who is only 19 years old. But at this age he became the owner of hundreds of millions of rupees! Akshay Ruparelia of Indian origin recently made it to the list of Britain's youngest millionaires!

১৯ বছরের এক স্কুলপড়ুয়ার শত কোটি টাকার মালিক হওয়ার গল্প! 1

It's really surprising to hear. The reason is that it is not easy to own a hundred crore rupees. But that's what happened to Akshay Ruparelia. He no longer has to worry about pocket money like five school children. The reason is that he has become the owner of more than 100 crore rupees at the age of 19.

Akshay Ruparelia, an Indian-origin resident of North London, has recently been named in the list of Britain's youngest millionaires despite being a school student. In just one year, his property amount has reached 103 crore 23 lakh rupees. Akshay Ruparelia manages his online business in between studying at school. His company '' helps people buy and sell property for a nominal price. The journey of the organization started 16 months ago. At the moment it is now ranked 18th among Britain's largest companies!

Talking about the early days, Akshay Ruparelia says, “Within a couple of weeks of launching the company's website, the first phone call came from a man in Sussex. He has a house there, along with a plot of land.

He wants to sell both. Akshay Ruparelia did not miss that opportunity. Immediately rushed to Sussex. He didn't even own a car, let alone a driver's license. That is why he gave his sister-in-law 40 pounds (about 3500 rupees in Indian currency) to deliver him to Sussex. On reaching Sussex, Akshay took pictures of the land and the house. Then he sold it. Starting from that. There was no looking back for Akshay Ruparelia, son of Kaushik and Renuka Ruparelia. Kaushik, a care worker, and Renuka, a schoolteacher, are both deaf. They are naturally proud of their son's success.

Like Akshay's success, his business approach is quite different. His business is staffed by middle-aged housewives instead of dashing estate agents in suit-and-boots. Basically they are the ones who take the buyers to show them houses. At the moment there are 12 employees working in his company. Why Akshay's reliance on such middle-aged housewives? His answer to such a question is, "Buyers have confidence in mothers. And mothers always say the truth! I think that is a very important thing in this business. The reason is that people who are selling their house, in most cases, it is the biggest transaction of their life. "

Akshay Ruparelia gave up the opportunity to study economics and mathematics at Oxford University! The reason is that he wants to focus on business. However, Akshay is still a sadh. Akshay started saving money every month from the profit of the business. He wants to buy a car!
