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Now the niqab is banned in Canada

Bill Sixty-Two passed the Quebec National Assembly by a vote of 66-51.

The Dhaka Times Desk Anti-Muslim incidents are increasing around the world. In different parts of the world, Muslims are being persecuted. As a result, the niqab has been banned in Canada.

এবার কানাডায় নিষিদ্ধ হলো নেকাব 1

According to the news, a Canadian provincial government has passed a law by which the face cannot be covered to provide and receive public services. While the ban is universal, critics say it is aimed at Muslim women.

Last Wednesday in the Quebec National Assembly, this law called 'Bill Sixty-Two' was passed by a vote of 66-51. The Liberals, who have been in power since 2014, introduced the bill two years ago.

The law requires burqas and niqab wearers to reveal their faces in order to receive government services in the province of Quebec. Because of this, from now on, people working in the administration and the health system, including police, teachers, doctors and bus drivers, will not be able to cover their faces.

Although the law does not specifically say anything about Muslim religious beliefs, it is believed that the activities of various institutions and organizations providing religious education to children will also be stopped due to this law.

The government claimed that the law was made for all citizens, not specifically targeting Muslims. However, due to this law, Muslim women will be the most hindered in accepting government services.

However, there is still no clear data on how many women wear the niqab in Quebec. However, according to a 2016 survey, 3 percent of Muslim women in Canada wear a chador and 3 percent wear a niqab.

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