The Dhaka Times
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'Smart watch' children are at risk of hacking!

Norway's Consumer Protection Authority has warned about this

The Dhaka Times Desk Children may now be at risk of hacking due to 'smart watches'. Norway's consumer rights protection authority has given such a warning.

‘স্মার্ট ওয়াচ’ শিশুদের হ্যাকিং ঝুঁকিতে! 1

It has been reported that the 'smart watches' released in the market for children are at risk of hacking. Norway's Consumer Protection Authority has warned about this. The Norwegian Consumer Council said it had tested these 'smart watches' for children and found them to have security flaws.
Anyone can track these 'smart watches', hack them, and even communicate with the child who is wearing the watch!

However, the brands that have been given this warning about the 'smart watch' have said that measures are being taken to solve the problem. The smartwatches available in the market for children now work much like smartphones. That's why parents can keep contact with their children if they want. Children can know when and where they are. Some smartphones also have an S-O-S button, which can be pressed to alert parents when children are in danger.

A 'smart watch' now costs a hundred pounds which is equivalent to 10 thousand in Bangladeshi taka. The Consumer Council of Norway said loopholes in the security system would allow any stranger to monitor a child's movements if they wanted to. Hackers can give completely wrong information about the location of a child!

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