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Only 9 months old baby weighs 30 kg!

Mexican child Luis Manuel's weight continues to increase

The Dhaka Times Desk How much can people weigh? If this question can be asked, the answer will come out very naturally. However, the baby that will be presented to you today is only 9 months old but weighs 30 kg!

মাত্র ৯ মাস বয়সের শিশুর ওজন ৩০ কেজি! 1

It sounds unbelievable but it is true. The baby is only 9 months old and weighs 30 kg. This is what happened in the life of Luis Manuel of Mexico. This little baby has not yet learned to speak properly. But his weight is steadily increasing. Along with that, his hunger is increasing. Lewis eats about 6 times more food than normal children. He is called the world's heaviest child.

It is known that the child Lewis is suffering from rare Prader Willi syndrome from birth. Such children are overweight at birth. They are much more hungry than normal children.

Due to which the weight also increases to an extreme extent. Louise was dressed as a 2-year-old just days after birth. Now she is 9 months old but she has to buy clothes for a 9-year-old child, her parents said. They also have to spend a lot of money for Louise's food. But their financial condition is not good at all. Louise's parents have to depend on the help of the neighbors.

According to doctors, it is a genetic disease called Prader Willi Syndrome. There is no cure for this disease. Life expectancy of such children is also very short. In most cases, the body of these people cannot bear the extra weight. Due to which the possibility of heart attack is high. It can be said that the percentage is about 90 percent. The world's fattest woman Iman Ahmed died a few days ago.

Iman Ahmed, an obese woman from Alexandria, Egypt, died of a heart attack. Despite many efforts, the doctors could not save him. Doctors in Mexico fear the same in the case of Luis. However, Lewis' parents are still hoping for their son's survival. They are busy raising money to give their son better treatment.

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