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No quick fix for Indian cricket: Dalmiya

The Dhaka Times Desk সদ্যই পদত্যাগ করা বিসিসিআই সভাপতির জায়গায় বোর্ডের নৈমিত্তিক প্রশাসনিক কাজের দায়িত্ব নেওয়া জগমোহন ডালমিয়া জানিয়েছেন যে, তিনি ভারতীয় ক্রিকেটের সুনাম ফিরিয়ে দিতে উৎসাহী হলেও কোন তাৎক্ষণিক ফলাফলের আশাবাদ দিতে পারছেন না। উল্লেখ্য কিছুদিন আগে ম্যাচ ফিক্সিং কাণ্ডে রাজস্থান রয়্যালসের ৩ খেলোয়াড় শ্রীশান্ত, অজিত চান্দিলা ও অঙ্কিত চ্যাবন গ্রেফতার হলে The Indian Cricket Board became confused.

Jagmohan Dalmiya

He said, “We don't have any medicine that will bring instant results. We have no such magic. We will give our best so that cricket regains its reputation."

On whether he will represent India at the ICC, Dalmia said, “I may or may not represent BCCI, no decision has been taken yet. But I have the right to do that and the decision is mine."

He also confirmed that Sanjay Jagdale, who resigned as BCCI secretary last Friday, is not returning to the post. However, the matter of the resigned treasurer Ajay Shirk is not yet certain, he said, “……Jagdale has informed us that he does not want to continue serving as secretary. But we have not been able to connect with Shirk yet. We are hoping that we will get his reply (regarding the reconsideration of the decision to resign) by tomorrow (today). We will wait till tomorrow.”

Dalmiya did not say anything about the method to fill the place left by Jagdal, "You will know tomorrow whether I have the power to appoint a new secretary or not." I think the board has given me enough power. But I am not thinking about not having power. I have to do my duty now.”

Apart from BCCI, Dalmiya was also the president of ICC at one time, his contribution to the financial strength of the Indian cricket board today is also a lot. However, the 73-year-old Dalmiya has indicated that he does not want to stay in this position for a long time. He said that he is happy if he can give something to cricket at this moment and that is enough for him.

Reference: Crick Info

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