The Dhaka Times
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Owners of hundreds of millions of rupees are now in line for relief!

Dil Mohammad, a wealthy Rohingya from Fakira Bazar village in Maungdu Thana, Myanmar

The Dhaka Times Desk At one time he was the owner of hundreds of crores of rupees. But now he has become a street beggar. Now he is standing in line for relief!

শত কোটি টাকার মালিক এখন ত্রাণের জন্য লাইনে! 1

Dil Mohammad (60), a wealthy Rohingya from Fakira Bazar village of Maungdoo police station in Myanmar. He had 4 gold shops in Faqirabazar, Rakhine. Cultivation land was also 80 kani. There were countless cows, buffaloes and goats. 10/12 farmers worked under him throughout the year. His family of 18/20 including his wife Kamla lived happily in a two-story tree house. The Myanmar junta burned Dil Mohammad to poverty in one day. Now he has to live like a pauper in Kutupalong's hut for relief.

When asked, he also said that the people of Rakhine, including the law enforcement agencies and the wealthy in the area and as the then hukkatta (chairman), used to follow him. His association with people of various professions in the administration was also noticeable. They also promised me that I can stay here without fear, no one will do anything. However, no match was found between the word and the work. One night 15 days ago, Myanmar soldiers called me from home, I thought maybe they had come to talk to him about something. Thinking like this, I ask the people of the house to prepare tea and breakfast.

Then the armed Rakhine youths entered my own room and started looting the lamps. At one point he pointed a gun at my chest and told me to get out of the house right now, otherwise everyone will burn to death. At this time, I was in a state of complete unconsciousness. As soon as they left the house with everyone in one cloth to save their lives, the Myanmar soldiers set fire to the two-story house. We have come a long way in the light of that fire. As he spoke the words, only tears flowed down his eyes. He also said that I did not remember the incident of hyena group looting and burning my gold shop before. On arrival, the neighbors of the neighborhood reported looting and burning of businesses. He said that there were gold ornaments worth around hundred crore rupees (Kyats) in those shops.

Then I came to Bangladesh and took refuge in Kutupalong camp. The people of my village have come and built a polythene house to stay. Even though I stayed in that room, my heart and soul were shaking again and again, the scene of the brutal behavior of the Myanmar soldiers and the burning of houses in front of my eyes may haunt me for the rest of my life. Once a millionaire, today he has become a street beggar because of the Myanmar army.
