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What is the secret of the loop behind the shirt? Find out today

Most of the guys forget about this loop because it is not useful

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen that there is a loop at the back of the shirt. But we don't know what that loop does. Find out the secret of the loop behind the shirt today!

জামার পিছনের লুপের রহস্য কী? আজ বিষয়টি জেনে নিন 1

A small loop can be seen on the back of a good brand of shirt. Many do not even know his name. Why this loop is kept in the clothes of boys is also unknown to many of us. Is this loop just fashion? Or does it have some other functionality?

Most of the boys forget about this loop as it is not useful. However, it has been revealed in a news that this loop has started due to a special need. There have been many evolutions in boys' fashion these days. Since the sixties, this loop has become an essential part of boys' clothing. But why use this loop?

It is known that such a loop is called a locker loop. This particular piece was originally added to the clothing of East Coast sailors. They had to spend day after day at sea. They clean the clothes and hang them on any wire with the help of this loop without a hanger. That was how their clothes dried. Moreover, this loop is in such a position that when the garment is hung in this way, it does not get creased, i.e. it does not need to be ironed. That is why the sailors could wear the same clothes again the next day. Many times sailors used to hang their clothes on the ship's hook.

It is known that loop was invented mainly for these benefits. But the seamen's performance peaked on land. In the world of fashion, this issue is quite green. But that need for sailors has long been over. However, this loop has not left the world of fashion. So even today this locker loops are in the clothes of boys. It also became popular as Fruit Loops. It is known that this fruit loop also determines the relationship status of boys in modern times.

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