Categories: Science-invention

What depends on waking up when death occurs?

The Dhaka Times Desk Only Rabbul Alamin knows who will die when. However, scientists have said many times that if some symptoms are seen, then a lot can be understood about the death of a person. One such news is that it depends on waking up when you will die!

Death is a human destiny. No one knows when someone will die. Although scientists have discovered many things in the world, no one could stop death. That is, Almighty Allah has kept this matter in His own hands.

In our daily life, every function of the human body is following a certain rhythm. The last bend of that rhythm falls in death. So it can also be called a part of this rhythm. Everyone has their own sleeping habits. Each of us goes to sleep at a certain time according to our convenience, and wakes up again at a certain time. After doing this for a few days, it is seen that we do not fall asleep before a certain time at night, and we cannot sleep after a certain time in the morning.

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This is what scientists call the body clock, that is, this is the internal rhythm of the body. The body unknowingly performs all its functions according to this invisible clock. Falling asleep and waking up also follow this clock. If you notice, it will be seen that we get hungry at certain times of the day. It also happens according to that body clock.

What would be your reaction if you were told that the time of your death is also going to be determined by that body clock? Surely you will be amazed after hearing this. However, scientists say that they may not be able to completely rule this out, because this claim has been made by a group of researchers from Harvard Medical School.

Andrew Lim, the head of the research group, said, 'The human body operates mainly by the body's internal clock. This body clock determines every involuntary function of the body. That is, the work that we don't do voluntarily or consciously, the body does according to this body clock! The researchers said, our research says that since the time of death of a person is not in his own hand, that time is also determined by the body clock!

Another scientist of that research group, Shodha Kartan, said that every work of our body is done according to a certain rhythm. The last bend of that rhythm is death. So that is also a part of this rhythm.

Scientists have presented their research data to support their claims. According to them, most of the people who were surveyed died very close to 11 o'clock. They were used to waking up around this time.

Scientists want to say that the person who wakes up at the same time can die. However, Harvard Medical School researchers also said that it is not yet time to reach a definite conclusion on this matter. There is still much research to be done. After that is completed the final decision will be announced.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৩১, ২০১৭ 9:15 pm

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