Know how to charge old or new mobile fast

The Dhaka Times Desk Many times, if the mobile is old, it does not want to be charged properly. In such a situation one has to face a lot of problems. Find out how to charge old mobile fast today.

New mobile charging is not a problem. But the problem starts when the mobile starts to get a little old. Then it takes more time to charge, there is no charge. Such problems arise. But in this case there are some methods which if followed will be possible to charge the mobile quickly.

If # mobile is a bit old then update it regularly. By updating, the phone will not slow down, and the battery will also be good.

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Try using # branded charger. Computer or wireless charging takes a lot of time to charge. That is why it is wise to charge the phone from a plug point.

Now let's see what can be done during charging to charge the phone faster:

# should turn on battery saving mode when charging mobile. It will charge fast.

# can activate flight mode while charging the mobile. That's why if calling, internet, GPS are all turned off, it will charge very fast.

# takes longer charging time if the place where you are charging the phone is very hot or cold. If you charge the phone in excessive heat, the temperature of the phone also increases a lot. Due to which mobile charging will be very slow.

# can be charged by turning off the mobile for fast charging.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৩, ২০২১ 12:00 pm

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