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Find out some surprising facts about Hitler!

Adolf Hitler is known as the most dictatorial ruler of the 20th century in the light of history.

The Dhaka Times Desk Many facts about Hitler have emerged over the years. People are also interested in knowing about those things. Find out some surprising facts about Hitler!

In the light of history, Adolf Hitler is called as the most dictatorial ruler of the 20th century. Although he is a hero to the Germans. He is simultaneously reviled and reviled for his anti-Jewish initiatives. The life of this austere man is full of strange facts. Even though he was a Jew hater, Jewish women fell in love with him. Today there are some surprising facts about the famous Adolf Hitler:

Hitler wanted to be a priest

That desire appeared in Hitler's mind when he was only 4 years old. Hitler fell into a lake at that age one winter. He was rescued by a priest. The incident stirred his mind. Out of gratitude and love, he dreamed of becoming a priest when he grew up.

Hitler fell in love with a Jewish girl

Hitler was known as a Jew-hater. But the surprising thing is that Hitler fell in love with a Jewish girl while studying at school. His girlfriend's name was Stephanie Issac. Although Hitler never said anything to the girl. But Hitler felt very shy when he saw Isaac.

Hitler did not know how to drive

Hitler could not drive. He never learned to drive. Didn't even try to learn. Many think that some kind of fear was working in his mind. If you can't drive in front of your people, it will be dishonorable. But Hitler led his huge army with cars through personal chauffeurs.

One of Hitler's testicles

Hitler was suffering from fertility problems. Hitler was wounded in action during World War I. In surgery, doctors were forced to remove one of his testicles. Doctors have to do this to save his life. One such incident is said to have taken place in the Battle of Somme in 1916.

Hitler was against smoking

Although he smoked heavily in his youth, he turned against it when he was old enough. Hitler thought that cigarettes were a waste of money. Hitler also launched an anti-smoking campaign to ban smoking on public transport.

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