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If you give Google 'wrong', you will get 65 thousand taka!

If you win this Google challenge, you will get 65 thousand taka!

The Dhaka Times Desk You will get 65 thousand rupees if you give Google wrong! You might be surprised to hear such a title, that's normal. But the point is that you have to find some bugs in the software, through which hackers are grabbing all your information.

গুগলকে ‘ভুল’ ধরে দিতে পারলেই পাবেন ৬৫ হাজার টাকা! 1

Google basically gave it as a challenge. And if you win this Google challenge, you will get 65 thousand taka!

If you want to earn a lot of money in a very quick time, Google has given you the opportunity to use this golden opportunity. If you win just one challenge, you will get a whopping 65 thousand taka! Now know what you have to do to win this huge amount of money.

Hacker attacks are increasing due to the development of technology around the world. Nothing is private to hackers today. Everything is under their control in an instant. Keeping your information safe has become a challenge. Therefore, the world famous Google has taken the challenge to protect the information. That's why you first need to find some bugs in the software, through which hackers are grabbing all your information.

Google has brought a program together with HackerOne ('Google play security reward program'). With this, Google wants to improve the security of their apps. Which will benefit developers, Android users and everyone who uses Google. You can also get detailed information about the challenge by clicking on .

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