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2415 years after the death of the court verdict: Socrates is innocent!

2415 years after the execution, a Greek court ruled that Socrates was innocent

The Dhaka Times Desk 2415 years have passed since his death. After this long time, the court ruled that Socrates is innocent! He was accused of leading the youth astray, misinterpreting religion and encouraging corruption.

মৃত্যুর ২৪১৫ বছর পর আদালতের রায়: সক্রেটিস নির্দোষ! 1

Socrates was accused of leading the youth astray, misinterpreting religion and encouraging corruption. But after 2415 years the proof is that he was actually innocent.

We have seen many acquitted after years of imprisonment. Again, even after the death sentence by hanging, whether the criminal was really guilty or not, the debate continues on the matter. But what if someone is proven innocent after nearly 2415 years of execution? Then startled normal events! Now the shocking verdict was heard. 2415 years after the execution, a Greek court ruled that Socrates was innocent.

Socrates gave birth to a philosophical thought that has influenced Western culture, philosophy, and civilization for over 2,000 years. But the rulers of ancient Greece never accepted Socrates' theories. And that's why this mess.

Socrates openly questioned the gods worshiped in Athens at the time. He was also accused of supporting tyrants.

Although it is said that Socrates, despite being innocent, accepted the verdict of the judges with his mouth shut. Socrates did not leave Athens even though he had the chance to escape before his death.

It was alleged that no reasonable evidence could be presented in the court in support of the charges brought against Socrates, including leading the youth astray, preaching about new gods and goddesses.

Socrates accepted the death sentence by drinking hemlock poison to get his head. A new trial was organized in a court of the Onassis Foundation in Athens to decide whether he was indeed guilty. In that trial, the court ruled that Socrates was completely innocent.

In support of Socrates, his lawyer said, “A person's opinion can never be a crime. Socrates always sought the truth. And in doing so, he would present his own opinion. But my client had only one fault, he used to provoke people with provocative words. He always talked crookedly. As he used to say, 'Show how genuine and credible your democracy is', etc. etc.''

This famous lawyer of France questioned Socrates in this case. On the contrary, the lawyers of several countries, including Greece, opposed Socrates. A panel consisting of American and European judges was formed to try the case. After a long debate, the judges gave the seal of approval to the arguments of Socrates' lawyer.

It should be noted that Socrates was found innocent in a New York court last year.

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