Categories: Science-invention

A pilot made an airplane on the roof of his house!

The Dhaka Times Desk A pilot's job is to fly the plane, not build it. But this time a pilot made an airplane on the roof of his house! An incident that happened in Mumbai, India.

According to a BBC news, the young pilot of India, Amol Yadav, has built an airplane and put it on the roof of his house.

According to the news, this pilot from Mumbai announced to his family and friends 7 years ago today that he will build an airplane one day. This time he really proved what he said by actually making an airplane. And he did this on the roof of his own house.

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It is known that Amol Yadav has 19 family members. All this family lives in a 5 storied house in Mumbai. The house has no elevator.

While making the aircraft, everything including equipment, lathe machine, compressor, welding machine and a 180 kg weight engine climbed the narrow stairs of the house on the roof of 6 floors! This is how he once started his airplane work.

Amol Yadav has worked with his team on that roof which is smaller than half of a tennis court regardless of winter, summer and monsoon. Finally, last year, his real 6-seater aircraft was built.

Amol Yadav said that his plane's engine is so powerful that it can climb to a height of about 3,920 meters (13,000 feet). The tank of this aircraft can hold enough fuel to cover a distance of about 2,000 km at a time.

Amol Yadav, 41, said, 'Then our job was to bring the plane down and show it to everyone.'

ভারত সরকার ‘মেক ইন ইন্ডিয়া’ নামে এক প্রদর্শনীর আয়োজন করে যেখানে আমোল সেখানে তার উড়োজাহাজ দেখানোর আবেদন করেন আয়োজকদের কাছে। তবে মেলেনি অনুমতি। আয়োজকরা বলেছিলেন যে, এই উড়োজাহাজটি প্রদর্শনের মতো যথেষ্ট পরিমাণ জায়গা তাদের নেই।

After that, with the help of his elder brothers, he talked to the security personnel and made a discussion about the benefits of home-made aircraft and secured a space at the convention ground in Bandra.

Now, to reach the field, every part of the aircraft was taken apart and brought down on the road.

There were two trucks waiting. From there it was trucked to the exhibition grounds and then reassembled.

কয়েক ঘণ্টা পর প্রদর্শনী শুরু হওয়ার পর কৌতূহলী দর্শকরা ভিড় করে হুমড়ি খেয়ে পড়েন আমোলের ‘ঘরে বানানো উড়োজাহাজ’ এর উপর। সেই ভিড়ের মধ্যে ছিলেন ভারতের বিমান চলাচল মন্ত্রী এবং বড় বড় নেতা ব্যবসায়ীরাও।

Amol Yadav says he is all set to build India's first own aircraft. Investors are also enthusiastic enough, he said.

Amol Yadav also said that the local BJP government will allocate 157 acres of land for setting up a factory to make 19-seater aircraft.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৭, ২০১৭ 12:48 pm

Staff reporter

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