The Dhaka Times Desk People who carry the HIV virus live or have to live a normal life. Because if someone else goes to co-charge, he will also be affected by this disease. Therefore, there are various restrictions on their marriage. Therefore, to solve this problem, a marriage website for HIV-affected spouses has been opened.
It is known that this new marriage website has been opened in Sambar for those affected by the HIV virus in India. HIV positive couples are voluntarily posting their pictures and other information there. According to a report, an average of 100 to 150 HIV-infected men and women are getting married through each site. 4/5 such sites are for people living with HIV. One such website is-
Again at least 4 sites have a section called 'Special Cases'. Where HIV is associated with thalassemia or cancer, the marriage of the physically challenged is linked.
Maharashtra Transport Officer Anil Valiv launched the site in 2006. So far there have been about 2500 HIV infected patients married. Another person named Dhananjay launched a website in 2013 from Bangalore. Another site has branches in Gurugram and Kolkata.
A person who got married through these sites said, 'After knowing that he has a disease, there is no question of marrying a healthy girl. If you don't get married again, you have to face the question of why you are not doing it. It was this website that helped in such a bewildered situation. Now I can get married and lead a normal life.'
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৮, ২০১৭ 12:05 pm
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