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A nurse killed 106 to kill boredom!

He has become bored with patients day and night!

The Dhaka Times Desk The world is really very strange. More peculiar is the human mind. One kind of desire lives in each person. One such exceptional willed man committed 106 murders. He did the murders to overcome boredom and diversify his work!

একঘেঁয়েমি কাটাতে ১০৬ খুন করেছে এক নার্স! 1

The statement of the person has come up in the news media. He has become bored with patients day and night. Niels Hoesel, a German nurse, used to inject poison into comatose patients in the ICU to overcome this boredom and bring variety to his life and work. A shocking incident has emerged in the investigation report. In this way, at least 106 people were killed by nurse Nils Hoesel.

He said that when he was bored with monotonous work, he would first apply poison to the body to paralyze the patient's heart. If the condition of the patient worsened, he would make 'desperate efforts' to save him. If the patient recovered, he would take the entire 'credit' of the success. But if the patient did not recover or died, he would burst into tears. This is how the German nurse is accused of killing 106 patients.

According to a recent report by GenNews, the nurse named Nils Hoesel worked in two hospitals including Delmenhorst Hospital in Germany between 1999 and 2005. In 2005, Nils was caught by another nurse while injecting poison into a patient's body. All her exploits are exposed when a female nurse is seen injecting a patient with poison. However, the patient survived. Nils was arrested and sent to jail.

After this incident, the police started investigating. At one stage of the investigation, various sensational information came to their hands. During the investigation, the police learned that Nils had killed about 90 patients in the same manner over the years. Another 16 patients died after being poisoned by Niles.

Because of that, the question naturally arises why Nils did such a thing? Nils said during the police interrogation that he used to do such strange things to get rid of the 'boredom' of work.

That is why Nils has finally been put in prison. In 2008, he was jailed for seven and a half years for trying to murder several patients.

A woman complained to the police after the matter was reported in the media. The woman suspects that her mumurshu mother is also a victim of the nurse. After that, the same drug was found in the body of many patients from the grave!

The nurse was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2015. But it is clear to everyone, he has killed many more patients, the nurse himself does not even remember, how many were killed by him!


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