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What to do if virus fever? find out

Usually, a person does not develop viral fever immediately after being infected with the virus.

The Dhaka Times Desk Fever is common. The effect of chikungunya is especially visible in recent times. That's why we get worried when we have a little fever. Find out what to do if you have a viral fever today.

Symptoms of viral fever

Viral fever has certain symptoms. Usually, a person does not develop viral fever immediately after being infected with the virus. A few days after the virus attacks the human body, fever occurs.

Symptoms of viral fever are: Coldness in the body, shivering, headache, joint pain, loss of appetite, runny nose, red eyes, watery eyes, itching, cold and cold related health problems. However, there are some exceptions to this in many cases. For example: Stomach problems, vomiting and diarrhea are also experienced by many people. Some exceptional symptoms may be seen in children. In children, type 'B' influenza virus infection can also cause abdominal pain. Viral fever is usually spread through the air. Viral fever can also be transmitted through the air and from the cough of an infected person. Even if you are cold or wet with rain, there is a risk of viral fever infection.

Learn how to treat viral fever

We often get scared when we have virus fever. Viral fever is usually not a serious disease. So there is no reason to worry if you have a viral fever. No antibiotics are needed for this fever. Paracetamol is sufficient for fever. Adequate rest is also important for viral fevers. In case of viral fever, the affected person should stay indoors during his illness. Because this fever is spread through the air, other healthy people can also be infected by the infected person. However, if it does not resolve within 4/5 days, if fever persists for more than a week, a doctor must be consulted.

Source: LabAid Health Trips.

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