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Doctor or heroine: What will be the winner of the title of Miss World-2017 Manusi?

The Dhaka Times Desk Manusi Chillar of India has won the glorious title of Miss World-2017. What does he want to be now? Doctors or heroines, what will be the winner of the title of Miss World 2017?

Miss World-2017 pageant ended with a grand ceremony in Sanya, China, after a long wait. India's Manusi Chillar has won the title of Miss World 2017 among 118 contestants from different countries around the world. In India's history, starting with Rita Faria in 1966, followed by Aishwarya Rai in 1994, Diana Hayden in 1997, Yuktamukhi in 1999 and Priyanka Chopra in 2000, 17 years later, she won the crown for the sixth time in 2017. Manusi Chillar has made the name of India bright.

Manusi was born on May 14, 1997 in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, India. Both parents are doctors by profession. Father Dr. Mitra Basu Shilla's Defense Research and Development Organization research and mother Dr. Neelam Shilla is Head of Neurochemistry and Assistant Professor. Manusi completed her education at St. Thomas School, Delhi and is currently studying medicine at Bhagat Phul Singh Government Medical College for Women, Sonepat.

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It is known that Manusir has been involved with dance since his childhood, Manusir's mother introduced him to dance. And since then the dance started. Manusi trained in 'Kuchipuri' dance under famous dancers Raja, Radha and Kausalya Reddy. Along with dancing, Manusi has also appeared in the National Theater.

When Manusi is surrounded by family and knowledge, adding a different dimension to himself from that circle was no less challenging! She combines talent and beauty by participating in beauty pageants along with a challenging career in medicine. Manusi is always inspired by his family. According to Manusi, it is only because of his family's motivation that he has come this far.

It has been reported that Manusi's counter-productive attitude was revealed in the final question and answer session of this year's competition. When asked by the judging panel, 'Which profession do you think should be given the highest honor and why?' Manusi replied, 'In my opinion, a mother should be given the highest honor. It is not measurable only in terms of money; Rather, only a mother deserves the highest love and respect. My mother is my biggest inspiration.'

On June 25, 2017, through the 'Femina Miss India-2017' competition, Miss Photogenic highlighted her native Haryana, and after walking a long way on the path of dreams, Manushi Chillar of India was able to achieve this crown today.

It should be noted that this 20-year-old young woman does not want to be the world's best beauty, but also dreams of becoming a successful cardiac surgeon and providing free treatment to the underprivileged. Time will tell if the world beauty will join Bollywood as a heroine like Aishwarya Rai or Priyanka Chopra, or will make her main identity as a successful doctor.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৯, ২০১৭ 2:35 pm

Staff reporter

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