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Qatar is the richest country in the world

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published this list of rich countries based on data for the month of October

The Dhaka Times Desk Qatar is the richest country in the world. Recently, the list of richest countries in the world has been published. And in this list, Bangladesh is at number 143.

বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে ধনী দেশ হলো কাতার 1

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published this list of rich countries based on data for the month of October. The list is compiled according to the Per Capita Purchasing Power Power (PPP).

The Middle East country Qatar is at the top of the list. Annual purchasing power per capita in Qatar is 1 lakh 24 thousand 930 US dollars. Despite retaining the top spot, Qatar's per capita income has dropped by $15,000 in the past year due to lower oil prices.

Luxembourg ranks right after Qatar. The population of Luxembourg is only 6 lakhs. But the per capita purchasing power is staggering. Annual purchasing power per capita in this country is 1 lakh 9 thousand 119 US dollars!

Next is the name of Singapore. Singapore, a country of 5.6 million people, has a per capita purchasing power of $90,530.

Brunei is in fourth place. In 2016, the GDP rate of Brunei, a country in Southeast Asia, decreased significantly. However, due to the recovery of the oil market, its rate has increased. Only 4 lakh people live in this country. The country's annual purchasing power per capita is 76 thousand 740 US dollars.

Then there is Ireland. 5th place Ireland's purchasing power per capita increased slightly to $72,630.

The sixth richest country is Norway. According to IMF calculations, Norway's per capita annual purchasing power is 70 thousand 590 US dollars.

The 7th richest country is Kuwait. The per capita purchasing power of Kuwait, a country of 4 million people, is 69,670 US dollars.

United Arab Emirates is in eighth place. The per capita purchasing power of this country of 1 crore people is 68 thousand 250 dollars.

Switzerland, a country of 8 million people, is in ninth place. The per capita purchasing power of the country's people is 61 thousand 360 dollars.

Hong Kong is ranked 10th. In this country of 7 million population, the purchasing power of people per capita is 61 thousand 20 dollars.

The 11th richest country is San Marino.

The United States is 12th.

Saudi Arabia is the 13th richest country.

The Netherlands is 14th. Iceland is 15th.

The UK is ranked 27th. France is right next to the UK. Bangladesh is ranked 143rd. Per capita purchasing power is $4,210. On the other hand, India's position is 126. Per capita purchasing power is $7,170. Pakistan is ranked 137th. Per capita purchasing power is $5,350.

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