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The discovery of a bike that runs 500 km with just one liter of water!

This discovery was made by Brazilian public officer Ricardo Azavedo

The Dhaka Times Desk A truly surprising discovery. A bike that runs 500 km on just one liter of water has been invented! And this discovery was made by Brazilian public officer Ricardo Azavedo.

মাত্র এক লিটার পানি দিয়ে চলবে ৫০০ কিমি এমন এক বাইক আবিষ্কার! 1

Science is now in the hands of people. As the days go by, people are advancing the human civilization through new inventions. One such invention is a bike that can be run on water. This bike will travel 500 kilometers using only 1 liter of water!

Gasoline-diesel reserves are gradually running out. So every country is now looking for alternative energy. That is why fuels like bio-gas are also popular. Also, car manufacturers are constantly encouraging people to drive cars with petrol-diesel alternative batteries. That's why new cars are being made every day. However, all these battery-powered cars have been overtaken by Brazilian public officer Ricardo Azavedo. He invented a fancy bike. Bikes that are not on petrol or diesel will run on water. Believe it or not, this is true.

Not only the water ride, but also the mileage of this bike is mind boggling. This water-powered motorbike can travel 500 km on just 1 liter of water. What is more surprising is that this bike does not require any special water to run. Just plain water will be used in the fuel tank of the bike.

How does this bike work?

In fact, the engine of this bike consists mainly of two parts — a water tank and a battery. The electricity from the battery breaks apart the hydrogen molecules in the water. The hydrogen then flows through a pipe to the engine. It is this hydrogen that produces the energy needed to propel the bike forward. This bike made by Ricardo Azavedo is eco-friendly from all aspects. There is no fear of mineral oil consumption in this bike. Also this bike does not produce any kind of smoke. Due to which the environment is completely protected.

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