Categories: Science-invention

World's largest supersonic fighter jet is Russian 'Blackjack'

The Dhaka Times Desk The whole world is in competition. About who can build powerful fighter jets from whom. In such a context, the world's largest supersonic warplane is the Russian 'Blackjack'.

The superpowers are challenging each other in the arms race. Ballistic missiles, intercontinental missiles, supersonic fighter jets, bombers, drones, rocket launchers are all there.

China, US, Russia are announcing and exhibiting new weapons development. As a part of this, Vladimir Putin's Russia has brought forward the world's largest supersonic fighter jet 'Blackjack'.

It is reported that the country has recently released pictures of the newly built 'To-160M2 or Blackjack' supersonic fighter jet from its Kazan Aircraft Enterprise hangar.

Designed by the Tupolev Aircraft Company, this warplane is the world's largest supersonic fighter. It can fly continuously for about 15 hours with 130 tons of fuel oil. It also features new engines, electronic infrastructure, glass cockpit, communications and advanced control systems. It is reported that it will be flown for the first time in 2018.

The Tu-160M2 is believed to carry the same KH-101/102 cruise missiles as the previous model. This Russian missile can hit from a maximum distance of 5,500 km.

On November 16, the newly built Tu-160M2 aircraft was presented to the media from the hangar of the Kazan Aircraft Enterprise. This is the first time since the fall of the Soviet Union that Russia, which has always excelled in making modern combat aircraft, has developed a new version of the Tu-160 aircraft.

This post was last modified on December 1, 2017 at 6:27 pm

Staff reporter

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