Categories: Women's world

The story of a prostitute named Nadia Murad IS!

The Dhaka Times Desk This is not the first case of taking women and making them sex slaves. Since the creation of the Islamic militant group (IS), many such incidents have surfaced in the media. Today there is a story of an ISIS sex slave named Nadia Murad!

A young girl named Nadia Murad lived with her family in the small village of Kocho in northern Iraq. Everyone was happy because the poor people of that village had less needs. Nadia was studying in that poverty. The Islamic militant group (IS) entered the village in 2014. One day everyone in the village was forced into a school at gunpoint. Males are segregated outside the school. After that, men including Nadia's 6 brothers were killed in firing.

After killing the men, IS militants took Nadia and the other women on a bus to the city of Mosul. Underage girls are sold as sex slaves there. Yazidi girl Nadia herself was sold. After being a sex slave of IS for some time, she escaped one day.

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According to the report of the British online The Independent recently, Nadia Murad revealed this hair-raising story in an interview in London recently. He is currently 24. Nadia has published a book titled 'The Last Girl'. The book also contains a detailed description of this incident.

The report also says that Nadia Murad has become a UN Goodwill Ambassador after escaping from IS. She is currently working with human rights lawyer Amal Clooney on Yazidi women captured by IS militants and those who have escaped.

In the interview, Nadia Murad said, 'I said this incident intentionally, not that. Rather, some people had to say that this incident was terrifying.'

The report also said that in 2014, IS militants took control of northern areas of Iraq. Yazidi people live in this area. IS militants abducted and killed thousands of people, including women, in the area. The young women and girls they abducted were sold and used as sex slaves by the militants.

Nadia Murad said, 'My main goal of publishing this book is to tell the whole world what IS does to Yazidi women. Telling how women endure abuse.'

Nadia said, 'Everyone in our village is poor. But everyone was satisfied and happy with it. IS entered our village in 2014. They shot dead my 6 brothers along with other men. Later, I was taken to Mosul city by bus along with relatives and neighboring women. IS militants molest and sexually harass women while traveling on buses.'

This young woman who escaped from IS also said that they were taken off the bus and sold as sex slaves. A man likes three women by sight. Later bought them with US dollars. A man flicks a cigarette on Nadia's stomach. This means that the person has chosen Nadia to buy. The man then dragged him away.

Nadia Murad said, 'I don't like to tell such painful stories all the time. That is why I have written the details of these events in the book. He also said that IS militants do not spare Yazidi women, young women and even 9-year-old girls to sexually abuse them. Many Yazidi women who were abducted by them were forced to commit suicide.

The report also said that Nadia tried to escape one day after being a sex slave. But Seber was caught. She was also gang-raped as punishment for trying to escape.

Nadia Murad said, 'After being caught trying to escape, I did not break even after being gang-raped. Because thousands of women are held captive by IS. This thought gave me courage.'

The report also mentions that Nadia, a victim of sexual abuse, was desperate to escape from IS. One day, an IS member left Nadia alone in the room without closing the door. In fact, on this occasion, he left the house and climbed the wall to leave the ISIS camp. Covering his face with a cloth, he walked through the dark streets of Mosul and took shelter in a house. Later the members of that house helped him. They took Nadia out of IS territory by dressing as one's wife. Then in 2015, Nadia got shelter in a refugee camp in Germany. He also has a sister there. That sister's husband was killed by militants. Nadia currently lives with her sister in an apartment in Stuttgart, Germany.

Nadia says, 'It's not exactly a matter of courage. When you are constantly being persecuted, facing certain death, then these thoughts will give you a way to survive.'

Nadia also said, 'Mosul has about two million people. Among them 2000 girls have been kidnapped and held by the militants. Thousands of families live in Mosul but no one has come forward to help. Those who came forward for help, demanded thousands of dollars.' Nadia also said that the family of Nadia gave 20 thousand dollars to rescue Nadia's sister.

Nadia once returned to her village after escaping from IS. He went there and found no home. The whole house, the whole village has turned into a pile of rubble.

Nadia Murad, author of the book 'The Last Girl', said, 'We thought we might be killed like the other male members. But we were not killed. Instead, militants from Europe, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia came one after another and raped us every day.' She also said, she wants to be a makeup artist. She wants to open her own salon. Want to start life anew. She doesn't want to be known as a young woman who escaped from IS.

It should be noted that Yazidi women Nadia Murad and Lamia Aji Bashar received the European Union (EU) top human rights award Shakharov Award-2016. Both of them are women freed from the sexual slavery of the international terrorist group Islamic State (IS). The award is given annually in memory of former Soviet scientist and dissident Andrei Shakharov. This award is given in recognition of special contribution to the promotion of human rights and democracy.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২৭, ২০১৭ 6:40 pm

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