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Research Report: People who are obsessed with money are more addicted to Facebook

Such a sensational information has come out in the research

The Dhaka Times Desk People who are obsessed with money are more addicted to Facebook. A recent research report revealed such sensational information.

গবেষণা রিপোর্ট: টাকার চিন্তায় ডুবে থাকা মানুষই ফেসবুকে আসক্ত হয় বেশি 1

Those who are preoccupied with money, spend the most time on Facebook. Such a sensational information has come out in the research.

Philip Ozimek, a researcher at the University of Ruhr in Germany, said, "Worldly minded people spend more time on social media than the general population. They do this because they tend to get more friends on Facebook. As the number of friends increases, so does the mentality of asserting rights among them. Research data also suggests that comparing oneself with others on Facebook is also a characteristic of materialistic people.

Philip Ozimek, another researcher of the research team, thinks, "Facebook is the only scale to measure social status for people in the world. So billions of information on millions of profiles, everything is available for free on Facebook.”

The researchers initially distributed a questionnaire among 242 Facebook users. The answer to that question shows that most Facebook users are comparing their social status with their Facebook friends. Then in the second phase, researcher and writer Ozimek conducted the research by distributing the same questionnaire among 289 other people. The same results are found there.

From that study, researchers try to understand how a person uses Facebook to fulfill his goals and aspirations to become rich.

Researcher Ozimek said in the research paper, "Just like the rest of life, using Facebook has become a daily activity of people. Here people judge each person as a digital object. That's why people compare themselves to Facebook residents to reach their goals.”

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