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Who became famous because of skin color!

Known as 'Queen of the Dark' in the international modeling world.

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no doubt that anyone will be shocked by the color of the skin. But you know what? He became famous because of his skin color!

গায়ের রঙের কারণে যিনি হয়েছেন বিখ্যাত! 1

Sometimes such stories really surprise people. For example, the issue that came up today. Anyone will be shocked to see his face. Can such a color ever be human? Such a question may also arise. But it is not right to discriminate people because they are fair or black. In 2007, he arrived in the United States with his mother and siblings. He was 14 years old.

First from South Sudan, then a refugee camp in Ethiopia. Then from there to America through Kenya. Her name is Nyakim Gatwek, known as 'Queen of the Dark' in the international modeling world. Who didn't know the meaning of the word 'model' until the age of 14.

Nyakim Gatwek is currently 24 years old. He has almost 3 lakh followers on Instagram. Amazing thing! Where the color of the skin has to be a victim of inoculation, such honor of a black Kali in the world, really deserves praise.

Talking to international fashion media, Neakim said that he came to America and enrolled in school. In the beginning, he had to face a lot of harassment because of his skin color. Still he did not give up.

The main reason for Nyakim's success is just like this, 'I love myself. I love my skin color too.' He believes that if you don't love yourself, no one else will ever love you.

Currently Nyakim Gateway is a successful model. He wants to highlight Sudan in the world forum. Neakim Gatwek wishes to do something for his homeland. Especially to do something for the little helpless girls there. He proved that skin color and human mind are different things.

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