The Dhaka Times Desk এবার রোবো কুকুরের নতুন ভার্সন এলো। এটি হলো বস্টন ডায়নামিক্সের রোবো কুকুর যার নাম ‘স্পট মিনি’। এটিকে বলা যায় কল্পবিজ্ঞানের প্রাণী।
With the advent of modern age, everything is becoming robotic in the robotic age. And so this discovery has facilitated many human activities. The new invention is the robot dog. Now a company has launched its latest version.
At first glance, it looks like an animal from the pages of a science fiction story.
A 24-second video of the latest version of the Spot Mini was recently released by a company called Boston Dynamics. The video shows the battery operated yellow robot dog walking towards the camera. However, the company has not opened up about their new robot dog.
The first version of Spot Mini took the world by surprise. The naked design robot dog is seen doing various exercises in the video. This time, however, it has been made very subtle.
It can be seen that the parts are covered in a yellow plastic panel. Boston Dynamics' research is being financially supported by Softbank, a Japanese firm.
According to experts, this company is moving towards the commercial production of robot dogs. They must be making plans for the future with this robot dog.
Watch the video
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২, ২০১৭ 9:19 pm
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